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Monday, 1 July 2013



Making Galvanized Pipe Fittings:

galvanized pipe nipplesPipe fittings are done by use of various materials, which includes materials like PVC, Copper and Alumium. Glavanzied steel pipes are also used in fittings. Steel pipes have the problem that they tend to rust over time causing reduced life and poses a threat of leakages any time during their operation. 

Due to this reason, process of coating is devised i.e. we coat these pipes with zinc to reduce corrosion process. This process is called Galvanization. This galvanization can be done in number of ways.

One method is to have molten zinc, we dip steel pipes in this mixture and as a result a thin layer of zinc coating is established on steel pipes. Zinc has the property that it doesn’t rust, so the problem of leakage is reduced and the overall life of Galvanized Pipe Fittings is also increased.
This procedure of coating is not even very expensive thus no issues regarding expenses.

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